eBooks Download

To Download eBook, please proceed to our Facebook Page's Messenger to download.

Available eBook for TMSP's Customers :-

  • Conversation Guide - Top 10 Ways to Start an Interesting Conversation
  • How-to-Use Your TMSP Rigid Wallet & Key Organizer
  • Expanding...


Download Instructions

Mobile Facebook Messenger

Step 1 - Facebook Page's Messenger: TMSP & Co.  << Click here
Step 2 - From the Messenger lower part, Click "Download eBook"
Step 3 - Follow Instructions there to download.

Desktop / Laptop Facebook Messenger

Step 1 - Facebook Page's Messenger: TMSP & Co.  << Click here
Step 2 - Click  from the left side of "Type a message" column
Step 3 - Select and Click "Download eBook"
Step 4 - Follow Instructions there to download.